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Loving September: Babies, Bloggers, and Snow!

Sharing all of the reasons we are loving September! Including a baby update, a family update, and some renovation plans! Come hear what we're up to :)

September has come and gone in a whirlwind! I barely had a chance to type out this post with all of the busyness happening. But I know you’re all on the edge of your seats wondering how big our baby boy is… lol. So I pulled it together!

Loving: All of the fall home tour inspiration! Start here if you’re looking for some inspiration!

Creating: Christmas projects!!! Ok, just kidding… it’s too early even for me. But I am thinking up some great ideas already!

Celebrating: Four Months! Can you believe it?? He’s a whooping 18lbs! All through his third month of life I had people guessing he was 5 or 6 months, lol.

He’s a big boy! He had his first couple tastes of food and LOVED it! He’s still drooling uncontrollably, wanting to sit up every chance he gets, & laughing all day long (especially with his mama). He’s a real mama’s boy and still falls asleep on my chest for an afternoon nap. I think those bright blue eyes are here to stay! We’re loving every minute with our happy boy :)

Sharing all of the reasons we are loving September! Including a baby update, a family update, and some renovation plans! Come hear what we're up to :) Sharing all of the reasons we are loving September! Including a baby update, a family update, and some renovation plans! Come hear what we're up to :)

Reading: I just finished Miss You by Kate Eberlen. It was really good!

Writing: A 10 week plan of action for tackling our bathroom renovation! Follow our videos on Instagram if you want to see what’s happening!

Watching: Ozark on Netflix! Have you seen this show? We’re only at the beginning and I’m not sure I’m gonna like it still 10 episodes from now, lol.

Needing: A mirror for my new bathroom! Any thoughts on these ones?? Do you have any suggestions?

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Learning: How to shoot photos in raw! Did I mention I’m a self-taught photographer?? I can’t believe how much I’ve learned already!

Planning: Finalizing our bathroom layout! If you haven’t seen the options yet, weigh in here!

Dreaming About: Wearing THIS PONCHO! I already ordered it! Can’t wait to wear it :)

Wearing: My new boots! My husband dared to buy me boots for my birthday! He’s the best :)

Sharing all of the reasons we are loving September! Including a baby update, a family update, and some renovation plans! Come hear what we're up to :)

Photo Cred: Christina from The DIY Mommy


What’s Working for Me Right Now: A weekend away!! I got away this weekend with some blogging friends and I couldn’t feel more refreshed!

Sharing all of the reasons we are loving September! Including a baby update, a family update, and some renovation plans! Come hear what we're up to :)

JoAnna from A Pretty Life in the Suburbs, Christina from The DIY Mommy, and Colleen from Lemon Thistle

What’s Not: Snow in September. That’s right… SNOW!

Sharing all of the reasons we are loving September! Including a baby update, a family update, and some renovation plans! Come hear what we're up to :)

Photo Cred: JoAnna from A Pretty Life in the Suburbs

Anticipating: A few actual days of fall before the snow comes back *fingers crossed*

OH! And before I forget… I added a new face to the blog! This man does so much work behind the scenes (and sometimes in front of the camera! lol), he deserves to be credited too. Meet Russel, my husband, love, and handyman :)

Sharing all of the reasons we are loving September! Including a baby update, a family update, and some renovation plans! Come hear what we're up to :)

I’d LOVE to hear what you are loving! What’s new and exciting?!

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